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Age of Obama-2
Obama's presidency, 2011-2012

Age of Obama
Obama's presidency, 2008-2010

Bush End Game
George W. Bush's presidency since 2007

Bush - Second Term
George W. Bush's presidency from 2005-06

Bush - First Term
George W. Bush's presidency, 2000-04

Who Is Bob Gates?
The secret world of Defense Secretary Gates

2004 Campaign
Bush Bests Kerry

Behind Colin Powell's Legend
Gauging Powell's reputation.

The 2000 Campaign
Recounting the controversial campaign.

Media Crisis
Is the national media a danger to democracy?

The Clinton Scandals
Behind President Clinton's impeachment.

Nazi Echo
Pinochet & Other Characters.

The Dark Side of Rev. Moon
Rev. Sun Myung Moon and American politics.

Contra Crack
Contra drug stories uncovered

Lost History
America's tainted historical record

The October Surprise "X-Files"
The 1980 election scandal exposed.

From free trade to the Kosovo crisis.

Other Investigative Stories



What Can Be Done

By Robert Parry
April 3, 2011

For more than 15 years, has produced important investigative journalism that has changed how millions around the world understand the political narrative of the modern era.

In that sense, is a voice not only for independent journalism but for genuine democracy. We seek to empower people with reliable information.

Since our founding in 1995, we have challenged the misguided – and often dangerous – conventional wisdom that dominates Washington.

Our major articles are original to the site and offer a unique perspective on current events. We place what's happening today in the context of a well-documented history.

We also publish a selection of “guest essays” from a variety of writers who bring their own expertise on topics ranging from the environment and religion to economics and global affairs.

Everything we present at the Web site is edited to make it as readable and reliable as possible.’s home page registers about 300,000 “unique visitors” a month, and the site’s “page views” regularly top one million. Beyond that, our stories are picked up by thousands of other Web sites, blogs and print publications – extending our reach to millions of readers around the world.

A half dozen years ago, an academic studied the impact of and concluded that our articles had reappeared at about 172,000 other Internet locations. Since then, that number has surely grown exponentially.

We have done all this on a shoestring. Our total monthly budget is only about $10,000. We believe we offer more “bang for the buck” in the quality of our content and the quantity of our reach than pretty much any independent journalism site out there.

But we could do much more with additional resources. If you can help, please consider one of the following options:

First: You can make a donation, big or small. You can do so either by credit card at the Web site or by check - to Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); Suite 102-231; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Arlington VA 22201. Or you can use PayPal (our account is named after our e-mail address "[email protected]").

Second, if you know someone with the means to make a large donation or someone who is involved with a public-interest foundation, contact them and urge them to consider a grant to Since 1999, we have operated as a 501-c-3 non-profit.

We have approached many potential big givers ourselves, but it is often more effective if someone from the public sends in a recommendation. In the case of "Working Assets" or the "Tides Foundation," a nomination must come from a person involved with the group.

If you do know a potential large donor, you might want to write a brief letter or e-mail explaining who we are and samples of our stories. If needed, here is our IRS letter on tax-exempt status and our 2009 tax filing. (Many foundations require that information.)

Here are our tax filings for the previous five years:  2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004.

We appreciate whatever help you can provide. Thanks.

Robert Parry, Editor

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. He founded in 1995 as the Internet's first investigative magazine. He saw it as a way to combine modern technology and old-fashioned journalism to counter the increasing triviality of the mainstream U.S. news media. 

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